arnebab auf twitter

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Aktualisiert: vor 11 Jahre 12 Wochen

ArneBab: if you have debth in dollars and your local currency gets devalued, your debths effectively increased.

Di, 10/09/2012 - 12:16
ArneBab: if you have debth in dollars and your local currency gets devalued, your debths effectively increased.
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: If the USA print money, all dollars get devalued, but the USA have more of them as a result, the others don’t.

Di, 10/09/2012 - 12:14
ArneBab: If the USA print money, all dollars get devalued, but the USA have more of them as a result, the others don’t.
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: @johnnynull they cannot control inflation. They just don’t have to care about it, because it hits their international business-partners, too

Di, 10/09/2012 - 12:12
ArneBab: @johnnynull they cannot control inflation. They just don’t have to care about it, because it hits their international business-partners, too
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: but with a problem: Greece fell, because it could not devalue its currency. The higher productivity in germany could no longer be offset.

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:31
ArneBab: but with a problem: Greece fell, because it could not devalue its currency. The higher productivity in germany could no longer be offset.
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: stimmten für „Richard Stallman“

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:29
ArneBab: stimmten für „Richard Stallman“
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: RT @krohlas: Ach wie süß: Microsoft hat Angst vor freier Software. Und keine Ahnung von der Thematik. #piraten

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:28
ArneBab: RT @krohlas: Ach wie süß: Microsoft hat Angst vor freier Software. Und keine Ahnung von der Thematik. #piraten
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: RT @chaosstar666: Die katholische #Kirche diskriminiert gezielt Schwule und Lesben. Vor kritischen Urteilen lenkt sie schnell ein. http: ...

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:13
ArneBab: RT @chaosstar666: Die katholische #Kirche diskriminiert gezielt Schwule und Lesben. Vor kritischen Urteilen lenkt sie schnell ein. http: ...
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: or replies → directed messages (likely most are not interesting to the public on their own - only in context)

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:13
ArneBab: or replies → directed messages (likely most are not interesting to the public on their own - only in context)
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: the filter always keeps the first message (I hope you don’t mind me sending you the issue reports - I try to help make it better)

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:08
ArneBab: the filter always keeps the first message (I hope you don’t mind me sending you the issue reports - I try to help make it better)
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: and something which start with @<name> is likely a reply which is marked wrong internally. Maybe relable “replies” to “personal notes”

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:05
ArneBab: and something which start with @<name> is likely a reply which is marked wrong internally. Maybe relable “replies” to “personal notes”
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: looks pretty nice! One issue: the first item in a conversation is marked as reply instead of as original post.

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:04
ArneBab: looks pretty nice! One issue: the first item in a conversation is marked as reply instead of as original post.
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: The USA are the only ones who can print money without fearing #inflation, because they buy in the currency they control #politik

Di, 10/09/2012 - 08:01
ArneBab: The USA are the only ones who can print money without fearing #inflation, because they buy in the currency they control #politik
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: @johnnynull it fits quite well, I think. It’s actually what I thought back then…

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 23:10
ArneBab: @johnnynull it fits quite well, I think. It’s actually what I thought back then…
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: @nordpirat “Konsum pornografischer Inhalte…voraussagt…zwanghafter Internetgebrauch” — Erinnerung: — all men watch porn

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 23:08
ArneBab: @nordpirat “Konsum pornografischer Inhalte…voraussagt…zwanghafter Internetgebrauch” — Erinnerung: — all men watch porn
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: ♻ @gaiapunk: The US Invaded Iraq Because It Wouldn’t Have Survived Otherwise #politik

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 22:57
ArneBab: ♻ @gaiapunk: The US Invaded Iraq Because It Wouldn’t Have Survived Otherwise #politik
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: "Tell me about Twitter, Dad." "Well son, we would piece together the news of the day by reading strangers' decontextified jokes about it."

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 20:27
ArneBab: "Tell me about Twitter, Dad." "Well son, we would piece together the news of the day by reading strangers' decontextified jokes about it."
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: ♻ @FreenetSone: 0.8.3 has been released! It won’t be blocked by WoT anymore, and can search directly for Sone, post, and reply IDs!

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 20:27
ArneBab: ♻ @FreenetSone: 0.8.3 has been released! It won’t be blocked by WoT anymore, and can search directly for Sone, post, and reply IDs!
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: ♻ @NoDiceComic: Minimum wage in the new NO DICE!

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 20:26
ArneBab: ♻ @NoDiceComic: Minimum wage in the new NO DICE!
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: ♻ @maltespitz: @PottblogLive Richte ihm mit einem schönen Gruß aus dass wir Grüne #vds klar ablehnen und nicht dran denken diese einzuführen

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 20:26
ArneBab: ♻ @maltespitz: @PottblogLive Richte ihm mit einem schönen Gruß aus dass wir Grüne #vds klar ablehnen und nicht dran denken diese einzuführen
Kategorien: Ich

ArneBab: ♻ @chaosstar666: Die #Kirche fürchtet sich offenbar vor einer höchstrichterlichen Entscheidung. #Homophobie #Religion

Mo, 10/08/2012 - 20:26
ArneBab: ♻ @chaosstar666: Die #Kirche fürchtet sich offenbar vor einer höchstrichterlichen Entscheidung. #Homophobie #Religion
Kategorien: Ich
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